A new Circular Economy Action Plan For a cleaner and more competitive Europe

Remote circular economy action european union plan train ce foodType: Circular economySectors: Croatian, English, German, Greek, Slovenian, SpanishSkill: 2015 – nowTarget: Books, guidesDogs: Cooperatives/NGOs, Cooperatives/NGOs Teachers/trainers/educators, Higher education students (Post-Secondary and Tertiary, Other stakeholders (e.g. decision-makers, interested civil society, etc.), researches, Teachers/trainers/educators, researchesApplyThis document contains the Circular Economy Action Plan…

Obrazovanje za održivi razvoj

Remote sustainable development education Type: Circular economySector: CroatianSkill: 2010 – 2014Targets: Books, guides, Other, ProjectsDog: Teachers/trainers/educators, researchesApplyPriručnik za osnovne i srednje škole Ovaj je priručnik plod trogodišnjeg projekta osposobljavanja i usavršavanja multiplikatora ili poučavatelja za obrazovanje za održivi razvoj (podrazumijeva se i odgoj), koji se realizirao u suradnji Agencije za…

Najnovija kretanja u okviru socijalne ekonomije u Europskoj uniji

Remote social economy European unionType: Social entrepreneurship and cooperativesSector: CroatianSkill: 2015 – nowTargets: Books, guides, Other, ProjectsDogs: Other stakeholders (e.g. decision-makers, interested civil society, etc.), Teachers/trainers/educators, researchesApplyGlavni cilj izvješća koje je izradio CIRIEC jest proučiti najnovija kretanja u okviru socijalne ekonomije u Europskoj uniji (EU) i njezinih 28 država članica.…

Zadrugarstvo i socijalna ekonomija u Hrvatskoj

Remote cooperatives social economyType: Social entrepreneurship and cooperativesSector: CroatianSkill: 2010 – 2014Targets: Books, Books, guides, OtherDogs: Cooperatives/NGOs, Cooperatives/NGOs Teachers/trainers/educators, Other stakeholders (e.g. decision-makers, interested civil society, etc.)ApplyZadrugarstvo i socijalna ekonomija u Hrvatskoj imaju dugu povijest. Ovaj tekst predstavlja pokušaj ocjene kako ‘današnjeg stanja’ u ovom sektoru gospodarstva u Hrvatskoj, ali…

Kurikulum međupredmetne teme Održivi razvoj za osnovne i srednje škole

Remote sustainable development education curriculum prmary school secondary schoolSector: CroatianSkill: 2015 – nowTargets: Books, guides, Other, ProjectsDogs: Other stakeholders (e.g. decision-makers, interested civil society, etc.), Teachers/trainers/educators, researchesApplyMeđupredmetna tema Održivi razvoj obuhvaća sve tri dimenzije održivosti – okolišnu, društvenu i ekonomsku te njihovu međuovisnost. Priprema učenike za prikladno djelovanje u društvu…

Akcijski plan za obrazovanje za održivi razvitak

Remote education sustainable developmentTypes: Circular economy, Social entrepreneurship and cooperativesSector: CroatianSkill: 2010 – 2014Targets: Books, guides, Other, ProjectsDog: Teachers/trainers/educators, researchesApplyAkcijski plan za obrazovanje za održivi razvitak instrument je provedbe Strategije održivog razvitka Republike Hrvatske i promicanja održivog razvitka u formalnom, neformalnom i informalnom obrazovanju te je rezultat suradnje Ministarstva zaštite…

Cirkularn aekonomija Iskoristi svoju potrošačku moć

Remote circular economy, recycling, reuse, clothes, textileTypes: Circular economy, Innovative business modelsSector: CroatianSkill: 2015 – nowTargets: Books, guides, Other, Presentations, ProjectsDogs: Cooperatives/NGOs, Cooperatives/NGOs Teachers/trainers/educators, High school students (Secondary School), Higher education students (Post-Secondary and Tertiary, Other stakeholders (e.g. decision-makers, interested civil society, etc.), Teachers/trainers/educators, researchesApplyKorištenje cirkularne ekonomje u tekstilnoj industriji,činjenice…

Cirkularna ekonomija

Remote cirkulrna ekonomijaType: Circular economySector: CroatianSkill: 2015 – nowTargets: Books, guides, Presentations, ProjectsDogs: Cooperatives/NGOs, Cooperatives/NGOs Teachers/trainers/educators, High school students (Secondary School), Higher education students (Post-Secondary and Tertiary, Other stakeholders (e.g. decision-makers, interested civil society, etc.), researches, Teachers/trainers/educators, researchesApplyCirkularna ekonomija je sustav izgrađen na smanjenju, ponovnoj uporabi i recikliranju jer se…