Gründungsleitfaden für Social Entrepreneurs

Remote gründen, Social Entrepreneurs, Case studies, Rechtlicher RahmenType: Social entrepreneurship and cooperativesSector: GermanSkill: 2015 – nowTarget: Books, guidesDogs: High school students (Secondary School), Higher education students (Post-Secondary and TertiaryApplyDieser Leitfaden richtet sich an all jene, die nicht nur vorhaben, eine eigene Unternehmung zu starten, sondern dies aus dem Antrieb heraus…

Entrepreneurship Education at School in Europe

Remote Entrepreneurship educationSchool educationType: Social entrepreneurship and cooperativesSector: EnglishSkill: 2015 – nowTargets: Books, guides, Other, Presentations, ProjectsDogs: Other stakeholders (e.g. decision-makers, interested civil society, etc.), researches, Teachers/trainers/educators, researchesApplyThe report focuses on primary education, lower and general upper secondary education as well as school-based initial vocational education and training. It contains…

Collecting Ourselves A Cooperative Entrepreneurship Curriculum

Remote cooperative education curriculum enterprenurshipType: Social entrepreneurship and cooperativesSector: EnglishSkill: 2015 – nowTargets: Books, guides, Online courses, Other, ProjectsDogs: Cooperatives/NGOs, Cooperatives/NGOs Teachers/trainers/educators, Higher education students (Post-Secondary and Tertiary, Other stakeholders (e.g. decision-makers, interested civil society, etc.), Teachers/trainers/educators, researchesApplyThis curriculum seeks to empower us to “collect ourselves” through the educational tools…

Obrazovanje za održivi razvoj

Remote sustainable development education Type: Circular economySector: CroatianSkill: 2010 – 2014Targets: Books, guides, Other, ProjectsDog: Teachers/trainers/educators, researchesApplyPriručnik za osnovne i srednje škole Ovaj je priručnik plod trogodišnjeg projekta osposobljavanja i usavršavanja multiplikatora ili poučavatelja za obrazovanje za održivi razvoj (podrazumijeva se i odgoj), koji se realizirao u suradnji Agencije za…

Najnovija kretanja u okviru socijalne ekonomije u Europskoj uniji

Remote social economy European unionType: Social entrepreneurship and cooperativesSector: CroatianSkill: 2015 – nowTargets: Books, guides, Other, ProjectsDogs: Other stakeholders (e.g. decision-makers, interested civil society, etc.), Teachers/trainers/educators, researchesApplyGlavni cilj izvješća koje je izradio CIRIEC jest proučiti najnovija kretanja u okviru socijalne ekonomije u Europskoj uniji (EU) i njezinih 28 država članica.…

Zadrugarstvo i socijalna ekonomija u Hrvatskoj

Remote cooperatives social economyType: Social entrepreneurship and cooperativesSector: CroatianSkill: 2010 – 2014Targets: Books, Books, guides, OtherDogs: Cooperatives/NGOs, Cooperatives/NGOs Teachers/trainers/educators, Other stakeholders (e.g. decision-makers, interested civil society, etc.)ApplyZadrugarstvo i socijalna ekonomija u Hrvatskoj imaju dugu povijest. Ovaj tekst predstavlja pokušaj ocjene kako ‘današnjeg stanja’ u ovom sektoru gospodarstva u Hrvatskoj, ali…

Kurikulum međupredmetne teme Održivi razvoj za osnovne i srednje škole

Remote sustainable development education curriculum prmary school secondary schoolSector: CroatianSkill: 2015 – nowTargets: Books, guides, Other, ProjectsDogs: Other stakeholders (e.g. decision-makers, interested civil society, etc.), Teachers/trainers/educators, researchesApplyMeđupredmetna tema Održivi razvoj obuhvaća sve tri dimenzije održivosti – okolišnu, društvenu i ekonomsku te njihovu međuovisnost. Priprema učenike za prikladno djelovanje u društvu…

Eco innovation in Croatia

Remote circular economy policies eco innovation recycling projects strategyTypes: Circular economy, Food supply chain, Innovative business modelsSector: EnglishSkill: 2015 – nowTargets: Books, guides, Other, PresentationsDogs: Cooperatives/NGOs Teachers/trainers/educators, researches, Teachers/trainers/educators, researchesApplyCroatia still has a long way to go in the transition from a linear to a circular economy, but adjustments of…

Akcijski plan za obrazovanje za održivi razvitak

Remote education sustainable developmentTypes: Circular economy, Social entrepreneurship and cooperativesSector: CroatianSkill: 2010 – 2014Targets: Books, guides, Other, ProjectsDog: Teachers/trainers/educators, researchesApplyAkcijski plan za obrazovanje za održivi razvitak instrument je provedbe Strategije održivog razvitka Republike Hrvatske i promicanja održivog razvitka u formalnom, neformalnom i informalnom obrazovanju te je rezultat suradnje Ministarstva zaštite…

Cirkularn aekonomija Iskoristi svoju potrošačku moć

Remote circular economy, recycling, reuse, clothes, textileTypes: Circular economy, Innovative business modelsSector: CroatianSkill: 2015 – nowTargets: Books, guides, Other, Presentations, ProjectsDogs: Cooperatives/NGOs, Cooperatives/NGOs Teachers/trainers/educators, High school students (Secondary School), Higher education students (Post-Secondary and Tertiary, Other stakeholders (e.g. decision-makers, interested civil society, etc.), Teachers/trainers/educators, researchesApplyKorištenje cirkularne ekonomje u tekstilnoj industriji,činjenice…