economia social ley españa train ce food
Type: Social entrepreneurship and cooperatives
Sector: Spanish
Skill: 2010 - 2014
Target: Other
Dogs: Cooperatives/NGOs, Other stakeholders (e.g. decision-makers, interested civil society, etc.), researches, Teachers/trainers/educators, researches

El objetivo básico de la Ley es configurar un marco jurídico que, sin pretender sustituir la  normativa  vigente  de  cada  una  de  las  entidades  que  conforma  el  sector,  suponga  el reconocimiento y mejor visibilidad de la economía social, otorgándole una mayor seguridad jurídica por medio de las actuaciones de definición de la economía social, estableciendo los principios que deben contemplar las distintas entidades que la forman.

The basic objective of the Law is to configure a legal framework that, without attempting to replace the current regulations of each of the entities that make up the sector, implies the recognition and better visibility of the social economy, granting it greater legal security through the actions to define the social economy, establishing the principles that must be considered by the different entities that comprise it.
