economia circular compra venta recursos reutilizacion train ce food recircular
Types: Circular economy, Innovative business models
Sector: Spanish
Skill: 2015 - now
Targets: Best practices, Other, Website
Dogs: Cooperatives/NGOs, Cooperatives/NGOs Teachers/trainers/educators, Higher education students (Post-Secondary and Tertiary, Other stakeholders (e.g. decision-makers, interested civil society, etc.), researches, Teachers/trainers/educators, researches

Recircular es una Plataforma donde puedes vender los residuos o subproductos de tu empresa y/o comprar otros como recursos para tus procesos de producción.

En recircular dan una segunda vida a los residuos, sub-productos y exceso de material de las empresas ayudando a reducir costes tanto de gestión de residuos como de compra de materias primas, y creando un impacto positivo social y medioambiental.

Recirculate is a platform where you can sell the waste or by-products of your company and/or buy others as resources for your production processes.

In recirculating, they give a second life to waste, by-products and excess material from companies, helping to reduce costs in both waste management and purchase of raw materials, and creating a positive social and environmental impact.

